Güd Marketing

Preserving Michigan’s Outdoor Heritage

The Michigan Wildlife Council (MWC), a nine-member council appointed by the governor, was established by legislation in 2013. The MWC’s purpose is to preserve Michigan’s outdoor heritage by educating its residents about topics such as the crucial link between hunting, fishing and wildlife conservation; the fact that hunting and fishing licenses fund the majority of the costs to maintain Michigan’s natural resources; and ways in which all residents can enjoy the great outdoors. Güd Marketing has served as the communications agency of record with the goal of increasing awareness of the essential role that outdoor enthusiasts play in conservation.

Placing Wildlife Management in the Forefront

Our extensive and evolving work for MWC has comprised many initiatives, including capacity-building measures such as the “Here. For Generations” public education campaign. The first year of the campaign (2016) focused on building connections with the outdoors among moderate approvers of hunting living in suburban and urban areas of the state, as well as establishing credibility for the Michigan Wildlife Council. Building on that foundation, the next two years focused on telling the story of wildlife management to an audience who was largely convinced that “nature will take care of itself.”
The next building block was introduced in 2018 with awareness that wildlife management work is funded by hunting and fishing license fees, not state taxes. The comprehensive public education campaign is implemented across multiple communications platforms — launching annually each spring to take advantage of the seasonal change that inspires an increase in thoughts of nature and outdoor activities. Innovations continued in 2021 with opportunities to engage audiences in their backyards through experiential events and social influencers.

Campaign Tactics

Public Relations
TV Ads
Billboards/Outdoor Advertising
Content Articles

Meaningful, Measurable Results

Güd Marketing’s partnership with the Michigan Wildlife Council has been successful since its inception — awareness and support for hunting, fishing and conservation has increased dramatically. Measurable engagement with MWC’s website and programs has exceeded expectations. Güd Marketing’s focused communication with key government decision-makers to instill and uphold the relevancy of MWC’s purpose has been instrumental to the council’s success.


Added advertising value

16-Point Increase

In knowledge among non-hunters in West Michigan of the positive impact that hunting and fishing have on Michigan jobs

44% Increase

In agreement among non-hunters in Southeast Michigan that wildlife require management by humans to thrive
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