Güd Marketing

Untapped Potential

The COVID-19 pandemic created universal fear and uncertainty across the globe. During this unsettled time, families across Michigan relied on Medicaid. In 2021, McLaren Health Plan (MHP) had a starting market share of 11.5% of all Michigan Medicaid enrollees, with an opportunity to increase voluntary enrollees and decrease disenrollment among current members. Between core services and special programs offered, MHP Medicaid should have a solid footprint among enrollees and brokers throughout the state. However, MHP faced obstacles to furthering its market share. Between auto-enrollments accounting for the majority of current memberships and continued marketplace confusion regarding the health plan and the affiliated McLaren Hospital, MHP discovered the need for a Medicaid-specific communications strategy.
With the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19 continuing into 2021 and constant changes and challenges within health care, MHP tasked Güd Marketing with positioning the health plan as a reliable service provider option by developing a Medicaid communications plan to build awareness and loyalty among enrollees. We needed to provide MHP with the messaging and tools necessary to cut confusion, encourage increased voluntary enrollment and establish MHP as a reliable Medicaid provider.

An Industry Leader

Thanks to Güd Marketing’s ongoing, trusted partnership with MHP, we used our adaptable marketing and communications plan for MHP to compile data and insights to inform messaging and direction specific for this campaign. From this research, the 2021 Medicaid Communications Plan was created. Güd Marketing used recruitment and retention strategies to build top-of-mind awareness and loyalty among current (and potential) enrollees. We positioned MHP as a leader in Medicaid offerings and outlined services and special programs for members to drive voluntary enrollment and bolster brand awareness. Additionally, we identified target audiences in strong MHP geographic locations and used strategic messaging and communications tactics to help establish brand recognition. Content was promoted through owned (organic social, content marketing and website) and paid (digital display, paid social) media statewide to targeted audiences to drive awareness and recognition and encourage voluntary enrollment.

Campaign Tactics

Paid, Earned and Owned Media Tactics
TV and Radio Coverage
Social Media

Meaningful, Measurable Results

Güd Marketing’s communications plan produced marked outcomes for MHP, including:

4% Year-Over-Year Increase

In voluntary enrollment in MHP Medicaid

46% Increase

In website traffic, of which 50% were “new” users
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